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About Us

Professional Statement

I come from a long line of educators. My great-great-grandfathers were teachers and superintendents. My mom was a teacher and a librarian. Two aunts and one uncle are teachers. One aunt even became a professor at a university. I have grown up understanding the importance of education in becoming a productive citizen. We must be educated to make a positive impact on our community. We must be educated to be able to critically think for ourselves and to determine fact from fiction or opinion.

I believe every child can learn, we just have to find their mode of learning. We must provide multiple opportunities for them to express themselves. Every child is a reader; we just have to find the right book to connect them with. We must guide them with strategies to become lifelong learners. Technology is the way of the future. Students need opportunities to explore different technology applications as young as Kindergarten. They will then become proficient throughout their school years and confident to create and present their ideas. Not only do they need to become proficient with the technology, they also need to become great digital citizens. They must learn that what they post lasts forever and needs to be positive or constructive. They need opportunities to practice these skills in order to become proficient. 

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